Bucks For Bars!
"Where paying attention pays YOU!"
"Where'd This Idea Even Come From?"
If you know me, then you know I'm big on random acts of kindness. One of my favorite music video's ever was Drake's "God's Plan" video where he bought groceries for everyone in the market and went around handing out racks to random people on the street. Despite how you may feel about him after the Kendrick beef, we can all agree that that was super dope of him to do at that time lol.
Even though I've never been rich enough to do particularly large scale gestures like THAT, there's still plenty of joy to be had in simply buying a co-worker an energy drink when they ask "do those things work? they look good but I've never had one.." or tipping the guy at the first window of the McDonald's drive thru just because. Little things like that can make someone's day when they aren't expecting it, and I LOVE it. So with that said, I found a fun way to blend my joy for spreading love with my desire to grow my music family, and that's "Bucks For Bars"!
"Okay word, So How Does It Work?"
It's super simple. I'll be promoting a different "Song of The Month" from my catalog on all socials. All that you have to do is;
1. "Like" whichever post introduced you to B4B & follow me on THAT platform (IG, TikTok, Twitter etc..)
2. Subscribe to my official YouTube Channel (as this will be the main hub where the winners will be selected)
3. "Like" the full length video for the Song of The Month on YouTube & leave a comment with your favorite Bar from the song along with your preferred social media handle so that I have a means of contacting you to send your winnings!
&& That's literally it! At the end of the month three random winners will be chosen live on a Kick and YouTube multi-stream! Remember, for now 1st Place gets $100! while both 2nd and 3rd place both receive $50 each.
HOWEVER, as I grow as an artist and my income grows, the winnings will grow as well! B4B will be active for the duration of my career so I'm 100% looking forward to the days where I'll be in position to give thousands of dollars to all 3 winners each month & I have no doubt that we'll get there TOGETHER!
SAMPLE B4B ENTRY: "wizard with the words, if you're unsure then f*ck it I'll show ya, levitate on a hater like Wingardium Leviosa" IG @ JL_SaVant
**Your quote can be longer or shorter than the sample, it's all about what resonated with YOU! (and yes, that's a real quote from some unreleased heat that I got in the vault, shhh...lol)
B4B Wall Of Fame!
Although it's not "required", I would really love it if ALL winners could tag me in a lil IG story (preferred) or a tweet/threads post so that I could add you all to the B4B Wall of Fame which is going to be a pinned story highlight on my IG. It could be a simple "thank you" for the winnings, a shout out for the music, a shout out for the B4B program in general, whatever you'd like. I just wanna show love to everyone that's showing me love and help the program grow THAT much faster ya know. Can't wait to see YOUR face up there next!